• Imi place modul lui de a fi atat de mult! Il admir pentru munca lui,nu este usor sa faci parte dintr-o trupa si in acelas timp sa te ocupi si de fotbal.A fost primul care mi-a atras atentia cand am vazut prima data videoclipul melodiei "what makes you beautiful" pe U tv.Nu stiu ce a avut in plus fata de baieti,dar m-a atras si inca o face.Mi se pare o persoana amuzanta si iubitoare,foarte subtil in unele
privinte.Ma linisteste vocea lui,nu inteleg de ce unele persoane spun ca nu are voce buna.Acei ochi albastru,oh ♥.
☻ You have literally changed my life.I really love, Louis William Tomlinson .
☺ Every day I remember the first time I saw you on The
X-Factor.At first, you looked tired of waiting for so long, but your shyness was so adorable.You are the only one who can be serious and funny at same time.
☻ You are the only one who I know that will always say the truth and you always say what you REALLY think.